"Flounder Art" is the site of artist Scott Scheidly and
features a widely varied selection of imagery, from Tikis on canvas (like the image above) to oddities like
the "Playa" series and "the Seven Deadly Sins" featuring famous cartoons characters. Most pieces are for
sale and he also takes on commision work.
I've been surfing the web for every Tiki site I can find... and there just aren't that many out there! I've expanded my searches to include such related topics as Polynesian Pop, Hawaii, South Pacific, Lounge Culture, Surf Music, and the like which has yielded some more sites of interest to a fan of Tiki Culture. I've tried to be thorough, but as with any links page, I'm sure I've left out a cool site or twenty. Please! Let me know if your favorite site is missing and I'll add it as soon as I finish this Mai Tai... or maybe after the next one...
As time goes on I'll add some reviews of the various sites, either mine or those of other
New link added January 8, 2004: Tahiti Expressions - Tiki Business
Aisle TikiGet the party Started with tiki mugs, shots, and More! Your complete source for all that is Tiki
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